Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Continuation of slavery

I would also like to continue Ian's post on sex slavery. This is something that has also been on my heart. When I visited Liberia this summer I was also appalled by the amount of women and girls that were selling themselves so they could provide for their families. Education in Liberia is not free. Everyone has to pay to attend school. It costs roughly $50 (USD) for one child to attend school for a year. To us it sounds like a tiny cost, but for many of these families it could be up to a third of their yearly income. Then picture the many families who could have up to 7 kids! How can they even afford to send their children to school (let alone feed and clothe them)? Many of the moms get caught in this trap of prostitution because they are, as Ian said, desperate for their kids to get an education. And many of the girls get caught in this trap as well because they so desperately desire an education. It is a serious issue that breaks my heart because these women are so stuck in this trap and they can't see any other option. It makes me so thankful that we can get a good education without having to go to extreme measures to get the money. I just thought I would throw that out there to let you guys think about.

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