This is a semi-continuation of Molly's post. I've always been appalled by the outrageous amount of sex slavery in the world. Sex slavery is a chronic problem, and is so widespread that it cannot be fought against effectively. The problem is huge in South and South East Asia. Parents sell their children, especially girls, to pimps for anything- even lifestock! Imagine selling a 10 year old girl for a goat! These girls are brought into cities for prostitution and are caught in an inescapable, suffering-beyond-description situation. A teenage girl might entertain 40 clients a day...a day! The root of the problem is simple...desperation. These families would obviously rather a different method then selling their daughters. Our focus should be to help bring social justice to the families in rural South Asia. That's where the problem and desperation lie.
Today is World AIDS day. I would like to also briefly touch on a story that caught my attention tonight on the news. Thozama and her teenage brother Thozamele were both orphaned when their mother died of AIDS; they were left in the slums of Johannesburg without water or electricity and responsible for their 4 other brothers and sisters. They walk over 4 miles everyday to go to their school and bring their siblings to their schools. The most amazing feature of this story was the hope that the kids had. They almost have nothing, yet they look towards the future. I think that is something that each of us need to do. We must look to solve our problems with hope rather than do nothing. I'm not sure that I could do that myself.
Here are some quick links Sex Trade:
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