first things first, i want to apologize for the use of this pathetic image,
but i am a bit short on time and did want to get my comment in.
PLUS i have no idea how to format this thing...
The questions we are asking as interns are complex, but few of them are new,
poverty, racism, economic disparity, even the idea of fair trade can not claim
to have appeared only during our age. and there is no way that a group of high
school students can say that they are the first to look at these problems with
the goal of solving them in mind. thus we must come to realize that the reason
these problems are the result of a "web" (*cough*click the link*cough*) of other
problems. an intricate system of issues that more often than not has been
to have appeared only during our age. and there is no way that a group of high
school students can say that they are the first to look at these problems with
the goal of solving them in mind. thus we must come to realize that the reason
these problems are the result of a "web" (*cough*click the link*cough*) of other
problems. an intricate system of issues that more often than not has been
solidified into the culture and caused a much larger issue.
No matter were we go and what we do to help people we will always have a "web"
to deal with that is to say that there are going to be multiple small issue that we
will have to deal with in order to get to deal with the larger issue at hand. but
each web is varied, from tiny, almost unnoticeable differences to larger,
hard-to-miss clear differences. to truly know what the best way to begin solving
these issues we must try to learn these webs on a personal level, be it living
there or talking with people who live there.
these issues we must try to learn these webs on a personal level, be it living
there or talking with people who live there.
... some one teach me how to post so it dosent look like i was asleep while i did it...
i fixed it a little. now it is a bit easy to read.
some very good points made here. the web of poverty is a useful tool that a book published by world vision also uses. love to have more reaction to the "web" idea.
I completely agree with you here Josh. Problems in this world are a lot more complicated then just one thing. All problems are caused by other problems and lead to even more problems. I think that by tracing back the majority of problems in todays world we would find the source to be original sin. The fall of man is what has led us all to sin and corruption and has started the destruction of this world. Thats not to say that we should just give up. The problems that we face today are many and diverse, and it is important that when we as interns address social injustice with a sense of hope and optimism. We can address the problems of facing this world and we can make a difference. Although as Josh points out any given problem is complicated and has a variety of cause and effect implications, that doesn't mean that are task is to hard to accomplish. Often by breaking off one key problem in the web the others will break away too. It can be compared to the removal of a keystone from a bridge. If the keystone is removed the whole bridge collapses. This is just like the web idea of social injustice, although and injustice has many causes and effects one key change can change a whole series of problems. So although it may seem overwhelming, we must take it in stride and inject our help where we can in the web of social injustice and hope that we can make a deep and lasting impact.
And i know i kind of wondered around from subject to subject but I just let my mind wonder and wrote down what basically my thoughts were as they came.
you made a great comment here charlie but i have just one comment on it, when the key stone is removed and the bridge collapses the collapsed rubble may simply land on the ground and be forgotten or it might cause the river underneath to flood. in the same way this can happen with those "smaller issues" will they disappear into time? or simply cause new problems in a different fashion? do we take the chance and hope for the best? or do we take on the task of wipeing out the complete web of a problem? (at least getting close to)
i dont claim to know the answers to these questions but i think that we as institutes must be conscious of what we are doing and think though the other often not-so-clear ramifications of our actions because when we actually begin to work with our communities with goals in mind, peoples lives will begin to be affected. and thus it is even more important that we not let minor details slip by us. we are setting a precedent, and our goal is to have an impact. we must be careful of exactly what that impact is
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