Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why is there no change?

Many times we analyze issues regarding social justice and we always direct our attention to the aberrations of the world because such are the matters that must be dealt with. We, on a continual basis, are witnesses of such matters yet, simultaneously, we witness the many groups and organizations that attempt to amend such issues. Yet why is that the change, on the grand scale is not so evident. One can help a family by providing them with food and shelter thus taking them out of a state of poverty. One can also adopt a child from a third world country and ensure him/her a better future yet what can we do to fix the problem on a grand scale. I believe that in order to do so one must go to the root of the issue which I believe to be a lack of proper education.
The parents of the current youth has undergone many difficulties in their own lives. I know a family from El Salvador who has a kid about my age. His father was a soldier during the war in El Salvador and his brother was a child soldier. Many times his dad tells us stories about the atrocities that he witnessed and how he was forced to kill people in order to survive. He ended up moving to America in order to, like the majority of people, find happiness and a better life. Here he got a job and bought a house and ended up living a fairly good life. His eldest son, upon coming to America, went to high school yet dropped out on his senior year because his father felt it necessary for him to work in order to help their economy. His second son, the one that is my age, is currently a junior in high school yet his father has already warned him that he will have to finish high school yet he will not go to college because he too must work in order to maintain the family’s economy stable. You may wonder why it is that he forces his children to these things but it all comes down to the fact that he, upon coming to America, was able to experience a fairly good life without the need to study and attend school so to him, an undergraduate education is a leisure; one that requires him to spend money and not see results right away. Yet the problem with the thousands of families that have such a mentality is that they don’t realize the vast opportunities that one can achieve with a strong education. The mentality that my friend’s dad has, he passed on to his son, and his son may pass it on to his son and so on and so forth. It becomes a family trend that is passed on from generation to generation. This lack of a proper education seems to provide them with enough money to live and be somewhat comfortable. So why change?
Change requires energy. Newton says in his laws of motion that an object at rest will remain at rest unless an external force is applied unto it. The laws of inertia state that objects that are in a steady motion will resist change. Although these laws are meant to apply to our physical world, they too can apply to our social trends. Frankly people have become comfortable with their life styles and, as a result, do not see a need for change yet these people are still victims of a low education, which results in a bad economic status. This bad economic status causes many different problems such as health problems. Minority groups are the most prone to diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and obesity. This is due to the fact that the majority of restaurants that are in these communities are fast food restaurants. Why? Because the food is cheap and good. Think about it. THE DOLLAR MENU!!! Who doesn’t want a double cheeseburger for only $1? These restaurants allow people to spend very little money from their very small income and enjoy a “good” meal, yet these foods are the leading causes of obesity among these minority groups.
The street that I lived in had three liquor stores. Minority groups make up the majority of alcoholics. Why? Because heavy drinking seems to provide a time of peace and tranquility, a time to escape all of the problems of the their lives and worry about nothing yet as their money is invested in unhealthy food and heavy drinking, they disregard their own families. This, in turn, causes vast amounts of divorces in minority groups. These divorces tend to cause emotional traumas on their children and their children grow lacking, typically, a father-figure. They will live not knowing what it is like to have a family and will either have children out of wedlock or have children who are also victims of a divorce.
It is evident that in order to fix such issues it is necessary to have a strong education. Chelsea Highs School is currently giving students with good grades, fully paid scholarships to college because the people are realizing that if they want their communities to change for the better, they must educate their communities.


Anonymous said...

Please excuse any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. I was a little tired when I wrote this.

MChen said...

very similar to the "web" of poverty. immigrants and minority groups in this country often are trapped in this web. untangling them is challenging but signs are hopeful.