Sunday, November 16, 2008

Operation:Love 146

"Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of people for the purposes of slavery, forced labor (including bonded labor or debt bondage) and servitude(Wikipedia)."
An estimated 2 children are sold into slavery every minute. Many of us are surprised when we hear about things like this. We are surprised to learn about horrid things such as human trafficking, and that they even take place here in the States. I hate being ignorant to issues that plague our nation, and although "ignorance is bliss" to some, I believe raising awareness is very important in fixing the problems that surround us.
Forgive me cause this is my first time blogging. I'm not much of a speaker when it comes to these things, but I've always been interested actual ways to get involved with programs that really want to make a difference. Part of my reason for joining the institute was because I wanted to learn about ways I could help make a difference, not just in our community, but in the global community.
Love 146 is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating awareness about child sex trafficking and exploitation. We all deserve second chances and by raising awareness, we can help give that second chance to a child who never had a chance.


Jessica said...

Wow!This is really powerful. I myself have heard of human trafficking, but it never really occurred to me that is was going on in the states. I believe in justice and this is just one of the many problems in our world that need us, as in our generation, to bring about change and fix issues like this one.

MChen said...

one really powerful movie, trade, really dramatize human trafficking in the US. if you can rent a movie, this is a must see. if you and others are interested, i have a lot of articles on human trafficking both in the US and around the world. it is a huge issue.